Our residential week at Stubbers Outdoor Centre in Upminster, Essex from the 20th to 24th July was once again a great success and most important of all a lot of fun for Sycamore Trust U.K. members in attendance.
For many young people taking part at Stubbers, this is their first time away from home and the week gives all the participants the chance to learn new social and communication skills through taking part in a range of activities including jet sking, high ropes, raft building, archery and laser tag as well as getting the chance to drive an argocat (all terrain vehicle) or 4x4 car.
This year we had over 50 young people taking part throughout the week with over 40 of them experiencing some sort of overnight stay or day visits. As the day’s activities came to an end those members who were staying with us as residential guests had the chance to take part in a night walk around the site, commando camp assault course, BBQ evening and culminating in the ever popular disco.
This year once again we utilised our Stubbers week to offer some of our older members with Autism the opportunity to participate as young volunteers. We would like to congratulate all these members who achieved so much as result of participating in our volunteer program.
Every year Stubbers presents many challenges as we offer a varied and exciting program for our members, on behalf of our board of Trustees, Chris Gillbanks and myself we would like to thank our team leaders, Chris, Dawn, Lynne, Robert and Rachel and all our other staff and volunteers for your continued support to enable us to deliver the Stubbers activity week for our members. Here’s looking forward to 2016!